Choose 2 of the 5 attached profiles and write at least a 525- to 1,050-word Health and Wellness Summary for each individual.
In your summary, include the following topics:
- An initial assessment of the person’s health based on the profile characteristics.
- Risk factors that this person may face.
- At least 2 suggestions to improve their specific health and wellness.
- 2 web resources you may send this person to consult based on your suggestion
- Here are the 2 profiles choosen
- •Age: 551st•Occupation: long-distance truck driver•Lifestyle: smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day, eats mainly fast food and processed snacks. High cholesterol. BMI = 30•Family history: heart disease and high cholesterol•Fitness plan: occasional walks, no regular physical activity 2nd-•Age: 25•Occupation: unemployed•Lifestyle: smokes 2 packs a day and drinks alcohol every day (5+ drinks per day). Diet includes mostly fast food or frozen meals. BMI = 20•Family history: unknown•Fitness plan: none