Topic:Belief and Attitude of mothers towards immunization in
city of fountain valley, orange County California. USA
Components of the Research Proposal should include the
1) It requires you to formulate aResearch question that
tends itself to an observational study design (including an intervention
component). After formulating your question,
2)Identify and describe how you would use a particular
observational design to answer your question.
3)Discuss the data collection methods you would employ
(e.g., different survey types, etc.).
4)Provide aRationale for why you chose the particular
methods to answer the question,
5) State thestrengths andweaknesses of your study design
6) Statement of the Problem,
7) Background and Significance of the study
8) Study Design and Methods of the research
9) Significance of your project to the field of Public
10) You should clearly identify and critically analyze all
required components
11) Conclusion
You should demonstrate exceptional understanding of the
content, context, audience, and purpose of the assigned.
Your Research Proposal should be academically sound,
professional, and exceptionally supported by credible/academic research sources