Part 1/Module 1

Create a short outline of the project proposal. In the

briefly define and describe the scenario for which the
database will

be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the
given scenario

would solve, and any other additional components of a
standard project

proposal outline that are needed. Utilize the following
outline as a


1) Title Page

2) Abstract: A summary of the whole proposal in about 75

3) Introduction: The introduction should explain the
situation, the

cause of the problems, the statement of the project problem,

definition of terms.

4) Solution: This should include the objectives of what
needs to be

created to solve the problem and achieve the proposed

Identify the limits of the project and outline steps
required to meet

the above stated objectives.

5) Resources: What resources will be required for this

6) Budget: What is the estimated budget?

7) Users (Personnel/Credentials): Who are your users? What
are their


8) Conclusion: This part should clearly point out the value
of the

project with emphasis on feasibility, necessity, usefulness,
and the

benefit of the expected results.

Part 2

Design a database schema for the proposed Database Design
Proposal in Module 1.

Identify and list all relevant entities and their

1) Select no less than five entities.

2) Provide a diagram.

3) Map this to a database schema.

4) Provide a data dictionary for all entity attributes.

Focus on one or two areas of your design that seemed

difficult to develop and provide a brief assessment of the

you encountered in modeling or mapping to the schema. In

provide the rationale for the design chosen, its
limitations, and its

possible extensions.

Tip: If you do not have access to ER modeling software or a

diagramming tool like Visio or OmniGraffle, you can simply

diagrams in a presentation tool like PowerPoint. This is an

skill which is used in the field.