Week 5 quiz

Question 1 of 20

_________ is two or more people who interact in an organized
manner to perform a task or activity to achieve a common goal.

A. An organization

B. Interdependence

C. A group

D. A team

Question 2 of 20

Which of the following is not one of the characteristic of

A. Organized interations

B. Two or more people

C. Hard
working individual

D. Perform predetermined tasks

Question 3 of 20

Which of the following is not one of the characteristics of

A. High degree of interdependence

B. Focus on task completion

C. Performs individually

D. Focus on goal achievement

Question 4 of 20

.______________occurs when individuals work harder in the
presence of others.

A. Social effectiveness

B. Social facilitation

C. Social bias

D. Social loafing

Question 5 of 20

____________ involves working less when your individual
contributions cannot be measured.

A. Social effectiveness

B. Social bias

C. Social loafing

D. Social facilitation

Question 6 of 20

_________are specific formal or informal activities that
each person performs in a group or team.

A. Specifics

B. Interactions

C. Norms

D. Roles

Question 7 of 20

______ are made up of individuals who interact with each
other for the purpose of improving work processes in which they engage.

A. Self-directed teams

B. Virtual teams

C. Process-improvement team

D. Cross-functional team

Question 8 of 20

_________is the degree to which members of the group are
attracted to the group and to one another

A. Cohesion

B. Collusion

C. Conformity

D. Crioliptic

Question 9 of 20

A mature group that functions through the use of information
technology including video conferencing, satellite television and the internet
is called ________.

A. Self-directed team

B. Virtual team

C. Project team

D. Cross-functional team

Question 10 of 20

________ are often used for new product development, where
talents from different functional areas facilitate innovation.


Self-directed teams


Project teams


Cross-functional teams


Top Management teams

Question 11 of 20

____________is a process in which people disagree over
significant issues, therefore creating friction.

A. Competition

B. Interdependence

C. Contrary

D. Conflict

Question 12 of 20

___________defines conflict within a person, because he or
she is motivated to engage in two or more activities that are incompatible.

A. Intergroup

B. Interpersonal

C. Intragroup

D. Intrapersonal

Question 13 of 20

____________defines conflict between different groups,
departments or divisions that disagree over task, processes, resources, or

A. Intragroup

B. Interpersonal

C. Intergroup

D. Intrapersonal

Question 14 of 20

Which of the following is not a personal source of internal

A. Style

B. Values

C. Reward systems

D. Personality

Question 15 of 20

When groups within and outside an organization disagree over
various topics, it is called _____.

A. Intra-group conflict

B. Horizontal conflict

C. Intergroup conflict

D. Vertical conflict

Question 16 of 20

___________ is defined as the extent to which employees
depend on others to get their work done.

A. Competition

B. Conflict

C. Interdependence

D. Contrary

Question 17 of 20

Which of the following is not one of the methods to
stimulate conflict?

A. Introduce internal competition

B. Create interdependence

C. Introduce change

D. Decrease task ambiguity

Question 18 of 20

Lipsky, Seeber and
Avgar (2015) noted, ______ across departments and stakeholders in an
organization is essential to institutionalizing conflict management policies.

A. Collaboration

B. Accommodation

C. Competition

D. Avoidance

Question 19 of 20

Rivalry between individuals or groups over an outcome,
resulting in a winner and loser is called _______.

A. Accommodation

B. Collaboration

C. Competition

D. Avoidance

Question 20 of 20

Which is the best conflict management style to use when the
goals are clearly incompatible, when the parties have equal power, and when a
quick solution is needed?

A. Compromise

B. Accommodation

C. Collaboration

D. Avoidance