In your assignments throughout this course, you will build
an operations improvement plan (OIP) based on the real-world example of the
Toyota Motor Corporation’s recent product failure crisis. You will imagine,
when writing your OIP, that it is the fourth quarter of 2009. For this unit’s
assignment, you will begin this project by identifying two organizational
processes that you believe would be worth addressing

For this assignment, complete the following:

Using your preliminary research, identify at least two of
Toyota’s existing organizational processes at the time of the accelerator
crisis. You will develop an OIP that would replace one or more of these

For each process you identify, write a short summary
addressing the following specific topics. Your analyses should be as thorough
as possible. Be sure to cite your resources for this information.

Importance: What is the importance of the process to the
Toyota organization?

Goals: Supposing that it is 2009, and that you have been
hired by Toyota to create an OIP: what are opportunities for innovation or
improvement that you might focus on?

Scope: What is the scope of this process? What is the
breadth of its reach?

Parties involved: What customers, as well as internal and
external suppliers, are affected by this process?

Priority: What is the timeliness or urgency for resolving
the issues involved in this process?

Benefits: What is the overall impact or benefit for Toyota
in improving this process?

Cost: What are the costs to Toyota if the process is not

Submission Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is free of
errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted
according to current APA style and formatting standards.

Resources: Minimum of two sources required.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Length – 3-5 pages