You are the senior network administrator for the fictional Can-D company, and have recently been assigned a summer intern to mentor. One of the first concepts you will explain to your intern is the difference between bridging and switching. Your assignment is to create a PowerPoint presentation of 9-11 slides that will be used as a training presentation for your intern and future interns. You have been asked to cover the following key points:
- Cover slide
- Slide 1: Definition and purpose of a bridge
- Slide 2:A diagram of how a bridge works
- Slide 3:A table of key facts that differentiate a bridge from a switch.
- Slide 4: An example of situation where you would use a bridge instead of a switch. (Now switching to switches)
- Slide 5: Definition and purpose of a switch
- Slide 6: A diagram of how a switch works
- Slide 7: A table of key facts that differentiate a switch from a bridge.
- Slide 8: An example of situation where you would use a switch instead of a bridge.
- Slide 9:Explanation about how the bridge and switch are utilized regarding layer 2 network segmentation.
- You may add up 2 additional slides of content, illustrations, or tables to support your point.
- Final slide is your citations from your research.
- Details for each slide should be provided in the Notes section.
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
For more information on APA, please visit the Library and click on Citation Resources link.
Please submit your assignment.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Grading Criteria
Project Criteria Exceeds: 90%–100% Very Good: 80%–89% Meets: 70%–79% Needs Improvement: Below 70%
Response covers all topics indicated in the assignment and adds additional content. Response covers most topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers many of the topics indicated in the assignment. Response covers none to some of the topics indicated in the assignment.
Effective Communication
Demonstrates outstanding or exemplary application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates outstanding expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is addressed appropriately. Language clearly and effectively communicates ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are minimal. Organization is clear. Format is consistently appropriate to assignment. Presentation and delivery are confident and persuasive (where applicable). The writing was of collegiate level with no errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates very good written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates sound expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is usually addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present, but do not distract from the message. Organization is apparent and mostly clear. Format is appropriate to assignment, but not entirely consistent. The writing was of collegiate level with two or less errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates acceptable written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates reasonable expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Sometimes, audience is addressed appropriately. Language does not interfere with the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are present and may distract from the message. Organization is a bit unclear. Format is inconsistent. The writing was of collegiate level with several errors in spelling or grammar. Demonstrates inadequate or partially proficient application of written, visual, or oral skills. Demonstrates inadequate or partial expression of topic, main idea, and purpose. Audience is often not addressed appropriately. Language often impedes the communication of ideas and content relevant to the assignment. Errors in grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are frequent and often distract from meaning or presentation. Organization is inadequate, confusing, and distracting. The format is inadequate and obscures meaning. The writing was less than collegiate level with numerous errors in spelling or grammar.
Supporting Analysis
Analysis exceeds minimum requirements. Sources are used to support analysis, are appropriate, and are properly referenced. Basic analysis provided to support assertions. Sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. Limited analysis provided to support assertions. Some sources are cited, appropriate, and properly referenced. No or inaccurate analysis, no sources are cited when needed, analysis and/or sources are not appropriate. When sources are used, they are not properly referenced.