response michelle

  Q1.  When using a pretest/posttest design with a quasi-experimental true case study concept, what are some advantages and/or disadvantages I should consider?  Q2. What are ways to eliminate any disadvantages within the pretest/posttest design if there...

week 6 lab

 This week you will begin a two-part lab that serves as your Major Project for this course. Please read through the instructions carefully and post your questions in the Discussion area for this week. One very important aspect of being a Researcher is being able...

Intelligence Tests

 Distinguish between individual and group intelligences tests, regarding the abilities assessed and the advantages and disadvantages of each type; discuss the first group intelligence test, including why it was developed, the skills assessed, and sample test...

caso de rosa

Para su intervencion desarrolle una conceptualización clínica en la que ilustre lo siguiente: Identifique al sistema cliente y recopile información básica. Utilice instrumentos o técnicas de trabajo social tales como: entrevista, genograma,...


  Explain the common reasons why people engage in the deceptive behavior that you selected. Explain why instances of the deceptive behavior that you selected are elevated among criminal justice-involved populations. Explain some possible red flag indicators...