R- regression

 Simple Linear Regression: For this assignment, we will use the dataset nba_contracts.csv, which can be found on our class Blackboard page. Start by downloading this dataset. 1. Read the dataset into your environment in R. 2. Create a new variable called ppg. This new...


It is worth 70 points. Sheet1 Heart rate before and after exercise M=0 F=1 Resting After Exercise Male female 0 55.0 65.0 0 1 0 67.7 79.4 0 1 0 80.3 93.4 0 1 0 85.2 97.7 0 1 0 86.3 99.7 0 1 0 76.6 83.7 0 1 0 94.4 101.9 0 1 0 86.4 100.6 0 1 0 83.4 97.4 0 1 0 89.8 97.4...

Math assignment

Problem1 Patient Baseline Functional Status (1 to 5) 8 week follow up functional status (1 to 5) 1 4 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 4 1 6 2 5 7 4 3 8 5 2 9 4 1 10 3 2 11 3 4 12 2 2 13 5 5 14 4 4 15 3 3 16 5 5 17 2 3 18 3 3 19 2 2 20 1 1 21 1 2 22 1 2 23 3 2 24 4 3 25 2 4...

Statistics Lesson 26

4 questions. One PDF. I need this done in 48hrs. MTH 245 Lesson 26 Notes Correlation A correlation exists between two random variables—a predictor variable (or explanatory or independent variable) and a response variable (or dependent variable)—if the value of the...

statistics Project

I sent you enough samples of how to do it. so you can do it exactly as the teacher requires it. I need to approve this project remember I failed the Midterm because you put wrong expressions and sign. Please I am paying to pass. take the time to make it right. 1 THE...

Research Article Critique Instructions

  Research Article Critique Instructions Research Article Critique, Part One Instructions: A major skill that is learned in this course is how to critically read and critique nursing research articles. The purpose for critiquing an article is to critically evaluate...